The global coffee industry is brewing a sustainable future through a new circular economy initiative to combat a significant bio-waste footprint of nearly 40 million tons annually.
The Center for Circular Economy in Coffee --- the first pre-competitive platform for enhancing circular economy in the coffee sector supported by a global network of partners including Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Foundation, Politecnico di Torino, the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), International Coffee Organization (ICO) and International Trade Centre (ITC) --- aims to address gaps by providing technical knowledge and establishing a platform for collaboration with a scientific approach.
According to Vanusia Nogueira, Executive Director of the ICO, this circular economy presents a powerful solution for a sustainable coffee future as this collaborative platform fosters innovation and knowledge sharing benefitting all stakeholders in the coffee value chain.
To know more about the Center for Circular Economy in Coffee, attend their upcoming webinar series, "(Re)Generating Value Through Circular Economy in Coffee," kicking off on May 22nd. For more information, visit or email